Puffs With Vicks are the Bomb.com

puffsWhen you don’t sleep and you get sick, you sometimes have no idea what’s wrong with you.

Such is the case with me now.  I think I mentioned that fresh off the Bahamas trip, the BF was sick.  I got a little sick as well once we returned – soar throat, stuffy nose, the whole bit.  It lasted for about 2 good days and I bounced back to feeling normal.  Admittedly I had this nagging congestion and horrible cough. Did that mean I was still sick?  IDK, but what I do know is that this weekend was bad news bears.  I had a long-lived migraine from the time I left work on Friday to basically now.

This is where it gets dicey.  I have barely been sleeping for days.  I mean bare bones.  I get maybe 3ish good hours.  This is partly driven by my illness. I can’t rest when I’m in any discomfort (congestion specifically).  And on a normal day, I just don’t sleep.  I’m an insomniac.

So when I have these little bouts, I’m totally thrown for a loop.  Could it be some sort of sinus infection that has manifested from the cold?  Could it be plain lack of sleep?  Is it allergies?  Is it my salt intake?  The BF has been begging me to lay off the sunflower seeds.  Maybe it’s stress.  I had quite a few things I needed to knock out this weekend.  The thought of not being able to get it down was admittedly stressing me out. So I end up doing and taking all sorts of things – medicine, exercise, feeding my discomfort, herbal remedies and when all else failed plain old alcohol.  Nothing hit the spot.  Yep, this weekend was a bit of a mess.

I finally passed out around 2ish Sunday night (technically Mon morning) and probably got about 4 (not quite 5) good hours of sleep. I feel a little better, but my left eye is still in some pain from the migraine. I’m hoping one more good night’s sleep will be the cure.

One thing I did discover in the maze of recovery is somewhat random, but I like to share no matter how small.

Puffs tissues has a line with includes Vicks scent.  OMG… these are the bomb.com friends.  I just like to put them up to my nose and inhale.  If you get sick this fall/ winter may I suggest these tissues.

(BTW – does this mean I’m officially old now??? Seriously, who likes the scent of Vicks.)

Stay healthy!

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