Nicki Minaj Dance Suffers Snake Bite During VMA Rehearsal

imageNow here’s an example of when keeping it real goes wrong.

Looks like for the upcoming Sunday VMAs, Nicki plans to use live snakes as part of her set. Well things went a little south when a dancer was bitten by a snake.

According to MTV News, the dancer suffered a bite on her left arm from a boa constrictor while holding the snake around her shoulders. Nicki, who was onstage at the time of the incident, made her way to the dancer’s side to check on her. The dancer was treated on the scene before being taken to a nearby hospital.

The snake in question has performed for 15 years, and had never bitten anyone before, according to its handler. Chris Velvin, director of production safety for Viacom, confirmed that the dancer’s injuries were not life-threatening.

“It is in no way life-threatening, but scary,” he said. “We wanted her to start getting treatment as soon as possible.”

Nicki Minaj’s team plans to use a different snake for Sunday’s (Aug. 24) live performance.

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