Quick Thoughts Vol. 2

So here are some quick thoughts on today’s headlines…

mn_Pink tintRobinson Cano Fires Boras and Hires Jay-Z.  So sports agents (also known as friends of Scott Boras) are hot like lava that Robinson Cano is dropping their buddy Scott for the likes of Jay-Z who doesn’t know “sh*t” about baseball. First and foremost this rant sounds a little like jealousy and a lot like entitlement. Let’s be clear that Cano can take his business anywhere. Many people feel like their pedigree guarantees their success. Not true. No one is above trial or too undeserving for success.  So at any given time the mighty can fall and the underdog can rise.  It’s true that Jay-Z (or more specifically his company Roc Nation) does not have any agent experience, but when making the transition into new territory none of us do.  He clearly has some sort of passion for sports.  He has the resources (i.e. money and time).  He has some high-profile connects. And who’s to say that once he (and his team) learn the ropes they won’t do a bang up job. So far it looks like Jay-Z has all the right ingredients to be successful.  Granted he still has to cook those ingredients up, but sometimes being great means stepping out in unchartered territory.  It’s also in Cano’s best interest that the sports world is watching to see how this pans out.  Accountability is always a good thing.  With everything considered, I say why not.  He could be doing worse things than teaming up with one of the most influential artists of our times.

Kate Hudson.  I heart Kate.  I think she’s just badass.  She strikes me as someone who doesn’t give a f*ck what people think or feel as long as she’s happy.  (And when I say people, I’m specifically referring to media, critics, etc; people who don’t have direct impacts on her life or livelihood.) She’s got this effortless beauty. She dates who she wants. And I’m sure not sweating the small stuff contributes to her happy disposition. She’s what I’m not and don’t mean that in a poor self-esteem kinda way.  It’s more like admiration of her free spirit.  I process my choices – even the perception I give off.  I weigh the good and bad. I think most people do and I think that type of process can lead to some good choices, but there is a trade-off that occurs.  Sometimes making the best decision  – when considering all things – doesn’t mean you’re always in a winning situation.  Just like having that f*ck you attitude can place you under some really painful scrutiny. For Kate, this meant people questioning her morals and values when she popped up pregnant after just two months of dating Matthew Bellamy. (Hmmm… that is kinda bad news bears, but I’ve digressed…)  In the end there’s a balance.  I don’t think I’ll ever abandon having a healthy thought process, but I’m working on getting more of a f*ck-off vibe in my life.  Can’t be stressed with worry all the time.

Nicki Minaj Takes to Twitter.  So ousted American Idol contestant Devin Velez has been pretty candid that he thought Nicki Minaj’s reaction to his performance influenced voters to not vote for him on the show.  And Miss Nicki did not like that.  She took to Twitter ASAP and really chastised him for not holding voters accountable and not being grateful for the opportunity.  SMH.  Here’s the thing.  I’m all for people having the freedom to express themselves freely – especially artists like Nicki.  No one wants to feel disrespected, slighted – anything along those lines. However, you have to exhibit control and good judgment when you’ve accepted the role as a mentor, judge, role model, etc.  Nicki should have never felt tempted to respond to Devin.  Not only was this young man speaking from emotion, but whether he loves her or hates her, she’s still some form of a role model to him because she’s achieved the goal he’s pursuing. The fact that Nicki didn’t have the discernment to see that and control her voice on Twitter is bad news bears for her and the entity American Idol.  Now that she works there, she has to think of their reputation as well. It’s no longer the Nicki show. This behavior really does little to disprove everyone who questioned Nicki’s selection in the first place. And here we all thought Mariah was going to be the problem. Surprisingly, she’s actually carried herself like a professional.  Nicki has the ability to bring a little color to the show, but it can be replaced if the drama continues.  SMH….She needs to think!

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