Miami Principal Removed After Supporting McKinney Police

miami-principalThe MccKinney Pool Party saga continues.

This time the fallout occurred in Miami. A principal there – Alber Iber (pictured above in the middle)- was removed from his job at North Miami Senior High School one day after making insensitive comments about the pool party video that has gone viral.

Iber took to his Facebook account to defend officer Eric Casebolt after video footage showcased the police officer throwing a bikini-clad black girl to the ground. “He did nothing wrong. He was afraid for his life. I commend him for his actions.”

Once Miami-Dade schools superintendent Alberto Carvalho got wind of Iber’s comment, the principal was quickly removed.

“Judgment is the currency of honesty,” Carvalho said. “Insensitivity — intentional or perceived — is both unacceptable and inconsistent with our policies, but more importantly with our expectation of common sense behavior that elevates the dignity and humanity of all, beginning with children.”

Iber’s student body is approximately 99% black.

My two-cents: Normally I’m an advocate of separating professional and personal life, however in this instance the principal’s removal was appropriate – hands down. Him making any sort of comment considering the sensitivity of the incident shows a huge lack of judgment. Furthermore this man is the principal of a school that is 99% black. If I were a parent of a child at that school, I absolutely would not want him being responsible for my child. No way you could look at that police officer push a teenage girl’s face in the dirt and think that was okay.

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